Automated Cybersecurity 

Attack Simulation

Test your team against real-life situations, not multiple choice questions.

The goofy cartoons and weak quizzes of typical security training don't do a thing to test how well your company responds to real incidents.

You need actionable intel to find the weak spots in your organization.

Easier Than Tabletops

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Better Than Training

Tabletops take days to prep and hours to lead, and that's only if you can get the right people to show up and actually pay attention.

You need to test how you do in the face of realistic attacks more than once a year.

Introducing ChaosTrack


Use Generative AI to build your runbook and cybersecurity attack simulation.  

Enter your own ideas, or feed the system a news story of a recent attack you'd like to simulate.

The all-in-one solution to simulate incidents easier traditional tabletops and better than simple training.

tabletops ripped from the news

AI-based simulations train AND test how well your team handles real-world cyberattacks.

Employees participate from the comfort of their own desks or phones.

IT and cybersecurity people take 5-15 minutes.  Typical end users take only 60-90 seconds.


AI chatbot better than traditional tabletop


You'll get a detailed report that tells you what to do next.  Celebrate the superstars, train the problem children, build new procedures, and implement new controls.  

Best of all, you can run the same simulation again to prove that you've improved.